VBS Team

Jennifer Hess

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a specialized Christian education program which is held for several hours each day, lasting up to a week, during the summer.

Last summer we used the Stellar Bible Adventures and was full of Bible adventures, games, music, snacks, hugs, high-fives, and sciency-fun “wows”. We had Sing & Play Blast Off, Bible Adventures, Galactic Snacks, Imagination Station, and Cosmic Closing stations, which each age group of kids shuffle through. It was a blast for eveyone involved. But we did more than simply entertain kids. We have a powerful purpose at the heart of every single activity: Helping kids experience Jesus’ love.

That’s why we do it…and we all have an important part of making that happen. We are the hands and heart of God, shining his incredible love for each other.

Make sure you let us know your interested.


Jennifer Hess