Scouting Ministry

7:00 pm first Monday of each month
Rm 204, Education Building, First St Johns
Michael Joseph (Mr J)

We provide ready-made opportunities for your family to do fun things together—because together—we can all grow into our very best future selves!

We’re all about encouraging boys and girls to make friends, be helpful to others, and do their very best no matter the outcome. With the help of powerful learning projects and exciting outdoor activities, we aim to teach children that doing their best can be a fun and rewarding experience—no matter the difficulty of the challenge. To learn more about the aims and benefits of Scouting, follow our new Scouting Ministry!

For our side of the Scouting ministry, we need to be in a relationship with God daily. Each of our partners has a place for youth to find a relationship with God. It is described differently: Duty to God, My Promise My Faith, or a spiritual spark. If we are to tend to the moments of faith and questions of youth, we need to be grounded in our relationship with God first.

We accept all youth into the program (girls, boys, K-5th grade). Membership in the partners has been open and recognizes the value of all people. We are ready to care together for youth.

First St John Lutheran Church Scouting Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

Thank you for serving in First St John Scouting!


First St John Lutheran Church Scouting Ministry Mission

First St John Lutheran Church Scouting Ministry Mission

First St John Lutheran Church Scouting Ministry Mission
FSJ - Scout Pack 58 Flag

Our Cub Scout Pack 58 Flag was installed on 12/2/2024, starting the formation of the First St John Lutheran Church Cub Scout Pack 58.  In the Scouting program we embrace the flag and teach how to properly use it.  From den and pack meetings to special events like parades, we as leaders are responsible for showing our Cub Scouts how to respect and use the flag.

First St John Lutheran Church Scouting Ministry Mission

Scouting’s values are embedded in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Scout motto, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, and salute. These practices help establish and reinforce the program’s values in Scouts and the leaders who guide them.

The den is ideally a group of six to eight children who are in the same grade. It is the place where Scouting starts. In the den, Scouts develop new skills and interests, practice sportsmanship and good citizenship, and learn to do their best, not just for themselves but for the den as well.

Recognition is important to everyone. The advancement plan provides fun for the Scouts, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members and their den leader work with them on advancement projects.

Whether a Scout lives with two parents or one, a foster family, or other relatives, their family is an important part of Scouting. Parents and adult family members provide leadership and support for Scouting and help ensure that Scouts have a good experience in the program.

Scouts participate in a huge array of activities, including games, projects, skits, stunts, songs, outdoor activities, trips, and service projects. Besides being fun, these activities offer opportunities for growth, achievement, and family involvement.

Scouting focuses on the home and neighborhood. It helps Scouts strengthen connections to their local communities, which in turn supports their growth and development.

Scout uniforms serve a dual purpose, demonstrating that a Scout is part of a team and showing individual achievement (Scouts wear the badges they’ve earned). Wearing the uniform to meetings and activities also encourages a neat appearance, and good behavior.

First St John - Scouting Ministry

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Michael Joseph (Mr J)