From the Sunday after Labor Day until Memorial Day we Have Two Worship Service Times each Sunday, 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM with J.A.M. (Sunday School) at 9:15
APPLEBEE’S PANCAKE BREAKFAST Applebee’s Restaurant in Northwood, OH will be open the morning of October 5th just for the First St John Day School Flapjack Fundraiser. Come join us and let the First St. John staff and Applebee’s serve you a hearty breakfast of 3 pancakes (all you can eat!), 2 slices of bacon, and […]
SCOUTING NEWS First St. John has been in conversation with the Erie Shores Council of The Boy Scouts of America for establishing a Scouting Pack sponsored by FSJ. At the last Church council meeting approval was given to proceed with organizing the pack which would include both boys and girls according to the recent changes […]
JOIN US FOR CHOIR REHEARSAL! Craig Whitaker, of Craig’s Pianos and Keyboards has graciously agreed to temporarily helping fill in as our choir director as we begin to search for a permanent replacement. Choir practice will take place each Thursday at 6pm unless otherwise noted. If you have ever considered being part of our choir, […]
Good Food, Good Friends, and good conversations. Come join us! Everyone is invited
CEMETERY CLEAN-UP REMINDER: Fall clean-up of the cemetery will be done this Saturday, October 12th at 10 am. Please remove any decorative items from the gravestones that you wish to keep BEFORE the October 12th deadline to avoid them being taken down. Anyone able to help with cemetery clean up can meet behind the church […]
We will once again decorate the church for Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 13th. The Quilters Group will also have some of their quilts on display for purchase. See Beth Hugueley for more details.
From the Sunday after Labor Day until Memorial Day we Have Two Worship Service Times each Sunday, 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM with J.A.M. (Sunday School) at 9:15
Our fabulous Bell Choir is looking for people to join us! They meet each Monday at 5:30 pm. We will give you instructions on how to hold and ring the bell. Come and give it a try! Contact Cheri Sergent for any questions at (419) 410-3572.
JOIN US FOR CHOIR REHEARSAL! Craig Whitaker, of Craig’s Pianos and Keyboards has graciously agreed to temporarily helping fill in as our choir director as we begin to search for a permanent replacement. Choir practice will take place each Thursday at 6pm unless otherwise noted. If you have ever considered being part of our choir, […]
CANDY CRAWL (Candy & Volunteers Needed) Sunday, October 20th 4:00-6:00 PM We are again joining with several local churches and businesses for a “Candy Crawl” on Sunday, October 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. We will have one station in the parking lot across from the church to hand out candy. Parents will drive their […]
Our fabulous Bell Choir is looking for people to join us! They meet each Monday at 5:30 pm. We will give you instructions on how to hold and ring the bell. Come and give it a try! Contact Cheri Sergent for any questions at (419) 410-3572.
JOIN US FOR CHOIR REHEARSAL! Craig Whitaker, of Craig’s Pianos and Keyboards has graciously agreed to temporarily helping fill in as our choir director as we begin to search for a permanent replacement. Choir practice will take place each Thursday at 6pm unless otherwise noted. If you have ever considered being part of our choir, […]
The piano students of Vivienne Sommerfield will be sharing pieces they have learned this fall. The abilities of the seven performers range from beginner through high school. In addition, an adult ‘beginner’ who has published two original compositions! We will start the performance at 6:15 pm in the lounge on October 24th. A social time […]
From the Sunday after Labor Day until Memorial Day we Have Two Worship Service Times each Sunday, 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM with J.A.M. (Sunday School) at 9:15
Come to our Movie Night! On Sunday, October 27th we will host a movie night in the gym. The movie will be "A Question of Faith" & the menu will be sloppy joes, cheese slices, & dill pickles, along with the usual Costco cookies, popcorn, chips, snacks, pop, & water. Free will donation, with supper […]
Our fabulous Bell Choir is looking for people to join us! They meet each Monday at 5:30 pm. We will give you instructions on how to hold and ring the bell. Come and give it a try! Contact Cheri Sergent for any questions at (419) 410-3572.