On Friday morning, I stopped by First St John Lutheran Church on Seaman Road and took photos of members decorating the church for the Christmas season. Dozens of candles, elegant tree decorations, cheery poinsettias—beautiful sanctuary decorations for Christmas...
FAMILY CHRISTMAS PARTY RSVPs DUE! The Family Christmas party will be held on December 1, 2024, in the gym from 530-8pm. Fried baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad and a roll with butter will be served. Karaoke will be the entertainment for the night. We...
As a reminder, the First St. John Library has a wealth of Christian literature available to be borrowed. Come check out our book selection on the table in the lounge! For any assistance or questions, please see Emily Kruse or call the office at...
The Day School Christmas Programs are coming up December 16-19 th. We realize the church is having a cookie sale on December 15 th, but we will also need donations of cookies for the family receptions after the programs. If you could drop off an extra dozen or two,...
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