Worship Resources for March 15, 2020

Sermon for Sunday, March 15, 2020 – Second Sunday in Lent


Bulletin for March 15 – Traditional Worship Service


Announcements for Week of March 15, 2020



March 13, 2020

From Pastor Rayl

Good afternoon everyone,

I sent you and earlier letter stating that FSJ would continue to hold services on Sunday mornings. This has changed since the Governor issued his directive yesterday banning all gatherings of 100 people or more. After lengthy discussion between myself, Mark Ackerman, church council and other leaders in the congregation, it has been decided that we will cancel both worship services on the next two Sundays, (March 15 & 22) this includes J.A.M. Sunday school and Catechism classes. We will plan on holding services on Sunday, March 29; but that is under review due to any changes or advise.

At the moment we will continue with Lent worship on Wednesday, both morning and evening (11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.). During these services we will be use “distancing measures” to provide the necessary spacing between us. We will still hold the Church Council meeting on Tuesday, (March 17). Other meetings will be considered on an individual basis and notice sent to the participants.

As my previous email asked, so I emphasize again. the need to continue your stewardship contributions either by mailing them to the church office, setting them aside to bring later, or going to the church website and going the Vanco link to make an online gift. At this time, the church office will remain open during the week, and I will be at the church as needed during the week . You can also check TV channels 13 and 11 for notices of closings. Also know that we are joining a large number of churches in Lucas and Wood counties in canceling services during the crisis.

Please check the church website (www.firststjohn.com) for further information, copies of worship services, sermons, prayers and devotions. We will work to post things as the days progress.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me (pastor1@firststjohn.com and 567-395-0143) or Mark Ackerman the congregational president. We will keep everyone updated as things change and require.

Thank you for your faithful support as disciples of Jesus.

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer,

My God, my rock in whom I take refuge.”

Blessings, Pastor Rayl

Pastor Jerald Rayl, Pastor
First St. John Lutheran Church
2471 Seaman Street
Toledo, Ohio 43605
Mobile: 567-395-0143
Office: 419-691-7222
Email: pastor1@firststjohn.com


Date:     March 11, 2020

Re:         First St. John and COVID-19-  (coronavirus)

To:         Our members and friends

From:     Pastor Jerald Rayl


Greetings everyone in the healing name of Jesus,

We are all attentive to the news and information about the COVID-19. There is a lot being said, some factual and some not. I want to let you know that Mark Ackerman, the congregational president, and I have been monitoring and discussing what is being reported. We wanted to let you know what is being considered as our response to the situation.

First, we will abide by all the directives made by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and what is directed and required by our local, state and national health and government officials. So far, there is nothing that is directing for the canceling of church worship services, meetings or events. And we are not planning to do so at this moment, so we will continue to hold services at the scheduled times on Sunday, and Wednesday. This can change at any time, and we will let you know as quickly as possible.

However, we are making some changes in how we do things. We will no longer promote shaking hands as a greeting in church, especially during the Sharing of the Peace. Instead we are asking everyone to greet each other by putting your hand over your heart, doing the “elbow bump” or making the “peace sign” with your two fingers. I prefer these to doing the “fist bump” because it still is hand contact, and using a fist seems to me to look too much like striking out or hitting the other person.

The Altar Guild will be using food service plastic gloves to prepare the bread and wine for communion. I will continue as I always have, to use hand sanitizer before I distribute the communion wafers. You are encouraged if you have it to bring your own small container of hand sanitizer to church to use as you wish. Our cleaning crew is regularly disinfecting the door handles and opening bars on all the doors of the church. And we will continue to stock the pews with boxes of tissues which you can use if you should cough or sneeze. Our Day School has already communicated its policy and procedures to our children’s families.

At this time, attending worship services is an individual and personal choice. If you do choose to not attend, please remember your stewardship contributions by mailing your envelope to the church office, or using the link on the church website to go to Vanco to make an online contribution. We will also be attempting to post an audio recording of the worship services on the website which you can listen to, and we are working on also having a video available soon.

If there are changes to these procedures, we will keep you informed. If you have any question, please contact the church office, or myself via email, text message or voice. Thank you for your continued faithful support of our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ.


Pastor Jerald Rayl



Special Music Presentation


Anthony Pattin, Pharm.D. – Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Toledo

YOUTH GROUP – Walleye Faith & Family Night 2020

On Sunday, March 1, 2020 members of the First St. John Lutheran Youth Group and families enjoyed a day with the Toledo Walleye Hockey team. In the afternoon they attended the annual Faith and Family event where they listened as members of the team shared the importance and benefits of their faith in Jesus Christ to their personal and professional lives. Then they enjoyed watching the Walleyes game where the Walleyes defeated the Wheeling Nailers, ( 6 – 0). 


Four players of the Toledo Walleyes share their faith stories

Getting ready to watch the game.

Everyone had a great time being together at the game.

With the Walleyes winning, everyone was all smiles.

It was great being together to enjoy the game.

CALENDAR – March 2020


Click Here to Download the March Calendar

NEWSLETTER – March 2020


March 2020

Click Here to Download a Copy of the March Newsletter

LENT 2020 – To Seek and To Save

We began the journey of Lent with our Ash Wednesday worship where we received the mark of ashes, a reminder that we are sinners redeemed by Christ the Crucified. In our lesson from God’s Word, we learned that, just as Lazarus was unbound and released from his burial wrappings, we are released from the deadly bonds of our sin through the forgiveness that is ours in Christ Jesus. Join us throughout the month of March for our special Wednesday worship at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.

March 4 – Week 1: That One Man Should Die (John 11:45-53)

This week in our Lenten worship we will hear in God’s Word the prophecy of Israel’s high priest: “It is better than one man should die than the whole nation perish. ‘ That one man is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who died, not just for one nation, but for all the people of the world. Our Savior Jesus Christ, the only truly innocent One, took onto himself the penalty of death that we deserved. He offered up his life as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Through his death and resurrection, we are set free from our sins.

March 11 – Week 2: For My Burial (John 12:1-8)

This week in our Lenten worship we will see how Jesus is anointed ahead of time for his burial, an act of love and devotion by Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. We too have been anointed, by the water and Word and Spirit of Baptism. We have been united with Christ in holy Baptism, joined to his death, burial and resurrection. We have been buried and raised with Christ Jesus to new life.

March 18 – Week 3: Up to Jerusalem (Mark 10:32-34)

This week in our Lenten worship we will see how Jesus sets out for Jerusalem, knowing what lies ahead for him during the week we now call Holy Week. According to God’s plan and foreknowledge, Jesus will be delivered into the hands of his enemies, tried and condemned and crucified. But also according to God’s plan, he will rise, and he will one day raise us up from death. Jesus told his disciples what lay ahead for him in Jerusalem and, obedient to his heavenly Father, he took up his final steps to the cross. We follow our Savior through life, into death and into eternal life in his presence.

March 25 – Week 4: The Cup That I Drink (Mark 10:35-45)

In this week’s Lenten worship, we will learn how some of Jesus’ disciples wanted special places of honor in his kingdom. They did not remember that we are to live in humility, putting the needs of others ahead of our own needs, just as Jesus did for us. We often think of ourselves first, before we think of the needs of others. Two of Jesus’ disciples do the same, as they make a special request of the Savior. Jesus reminds them that his kingdom is a place of humble service. Before glory comes the cross. We will see that on the cross, Jesus drained the cup of God’s judgement against sin, so that there is nothing left in it for us to drink.

April 1 – Week 5: To Save the Lost (Luke 19:1-10)

All through Lent we are reminded that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. In our Lenten worship this week before the start of Holy Week, we will see how Jesus finds one lost sinner—up in a tree! We will join Zacchaeus, a lost sinner found by Jesus, and rejoice in the salvation won for Zacchaeus and for all of us on the cross. That is the reason Jesus came, to seek and to save the lost setting us free from our sins through his suffering, death and resurrection.


Click Here to Download the Calendar


Newsletter for February  2020Click Here to Download the Newsletter February 2020